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News (22)
- 参加世界移动通信大会,展示领先技术与创新产品
展位号:6D21 展位面积:12平方米 2024世界移动通信大会在巴塞罗那开幕 中国通信力量强势参与贡献中国智慧 当地时间2月26日,2024年世界移动通信大会(MWC 2024)在西班牙巴塞罗那拉开帷幕。作为全球移动通信领域最大的技术展会之一,MWC 2024以“Future First(未来先行)”为主题,将聚焦“超越5G、万物互联、AI人性化、数智制造、颠覆规则、数字基因”等六大主题展开深入探讨与交流。 GSMA数据显示,此次MWC大会是近年来线下规模最大的一届科技盛会,截至大会开幕时注册参加人数已超过10万。作为移动通信领域的盛会,MWC 2024的“主角”依然是移动通信和5G相关内容,包括5G商业化和投资变现、5G-Advanced、5G FWA、云计算和边缘计算、无线专网、eSim、非地面网络和卫星通信等。 作为通讯行业的领军企业,我们一直致力于研发领先技术和创新产品,这次参展是为了向全球客户展示我们的最新成果。 世界移动通信大会是全球通讯行业最具影响力的盛会之一,每年吸引着来自全球各地的专业人士和客户。作为参展企业,我们有幸能够在这个舞台上展示我们的实力和产品优势。在展会期间,我们展示了我们的领先技术、完整解决方案和创新产品。 我们的展位设计精美,吸引了众多观展者的目光。我们充分利用现代化的展示工具和布置,将我们工厂的技术实力和产品特点生动地展现出来。 我们的展品也吸引了许多观展者的关注。我们展示了一系列创新产品 光纤接头盒(FOSC/GJS03/M1系列) 热缩接头盒(XAGA & RSBJ*RSBA系列) 光纤终端/分路盒 光纤熔接机 光纤分路机柜 ONU宽带数据集成柜 光纤配线箱 ODF/MODF的 FTTx系列产品 馈线系统 用于天然气和石油防腐管道的热缩套管 模具研究中心 观展者对我们的产品表现出了浓厚的兴趣,并与我们进行了深入的交流和洽谈。既加强了与客户的合作关系,又提高了我们的品牌知名度和市场影响力。 参加世界移动通信大会不仅是展示我们工厂实力和产品优势的机会,也是了解市场需求和行业趋势的重要途径。通过与其他参展企业的交流和观察,我们可以及时了解市场动态,并根据市场需求进行调整和优化。这种与客户和行业同仁的交流和合作,为我们提供了宝贵的机会,不断推动我们的技术创新和产品升级。 在世界移动通信大会中,我们工厂得到了来自全球客户的肯定和认可。我们的领先技术和创新产品赢得了广大观展者的赞誉,并与一些潜在客户达成了合作意向。这次参展为我们开拓了更广阔的市场空间,为工厂的发展打下了坚实的基础。 总之,参加世界移动通信大会是一个重要的推广和宣传工具,也是展示我们工厂实力和产品优势的重要途径。通过展会,我们得以与客户进行深入交流,洞察市场需求,并展示我们的领先技术和创新产品。我们将继续加大研发投入,不断提升产品质量和技术创新能力,以满足客户的需求和期望。 感谢您的关注和支持,如果您对我们的产品有任何疑问或需求,欢迎随时与我们联系。我们期待与您的合作,并共同开创通讯行业的美好未来。谢谢!
- 复工通知
我公司于2024年2月18日正式开工,所有工作将继续照常进行。我们将继续努力,在新的一年里继续为您提供更优质的服务,给您带来更多的回报。我们希望您一如既往的相信我们并选择我们! 我们生产什么: >光纤接头盒 >热缩接头盒(XAGA系列) >光纤终端/分路器盒 >光纤熔接柜 >光纤分路机柜 >ONU宽带数据集成柜 >光纤配线箱 >ODF/MODF的 >FTTx系列产品 >馈线系统 >用于天然气和石油防腐管道的热缩套管 >模具研究中心
- 我们将前往西班牙巴塞罗那参加2024 MWC展会
我们将参加2月26日至29日在巴塞罗那举行的MWC展会,展位号为6D21#。欢迎访问我们。 我们生产什么: >光纤接头盒(FOSC/GJS03/M1系列) >热缩接头盒(XAGA & RSBJ*RSBA系列) >光纤终端/分路盒 >光纤熔接机 >光纤分路机柜 >ONU宽带数据集成柜 >光纤配线箱 >ODF/MODF的 >FTTx系列产品 >馈线系统 >用于天然气和石油防腐管道的热缩套管 >模具研究中心
Others (764)
- GJS03-M15BX-A14-144C-NABS02(GP394), Qianhong Communication
产品详情 全部 通信 终端和服务器 Telecommunication GJS03-M15BX-A14-144C-NABS02(GP394) Dome Fiber Optic Splice Closure, M 11-14 The product is suitable for outdoor fiber optic cable overhead, pipeline and other straight-through splicing and divergence splicing. This product has high strength mechanical properties, high sealing performance, corrosion resistance, excellent weather resistance, etc., multi-cable port management, can be mechanically repeated to open, high maintainability; reasonable structure layout, simple and fast construction operation. Application Scenario Outdoor overhead, pipeline and other common fiber optic cable splice splicing, can be used for urban or urban and rural common fiber optic network splicing protection. Performance characteristics 1、The shell is produced by injection molding process of high-quality engineering plastics, with anti-UV and anti-aging additives, high mechanical strength; 2、The box body adopts the single end in and out of the optical cable design structure, easy to install overhead hanging rods and other barrels can be quickly opened for maintenance and repair; open the box body without tools; 3、the shell and the bottom with silicone rubber sealing ring, optical cable mouth using temperature-resistant heat-shrinkable tube sealing, good airtightness; 4、Box with electrical disconnection or connection function, optional air nozzle. Technical parameters or parameters table 1、Adapted to the ambient temperature: -20℃~+65℃. 2、Atmospheric pressure: 70~106Kpa. 3、Axial tension: 〉1000N/1min or more. 4、flattening: the box is filled with 40 ± 5kpa air pressure, should be able to withstand 2000N/100mm lateral uniform pressure, the force time is not less than 1min, after the test joint box does not leak, no deformation, no damage. 5、impact: fiber optic splice box should be able to withstand a drop height of 1m, the mass of the steel ball 1.6Kg, the number of impacts for 3 times the impact. 6、bending: fiber optic splice box and fiber optic cable joints should be able to withstand bending tension load of 150N, bending angle ± 45 ° of 10 cycles of bending. 7、torsion: fiber optic splice box should be able to withstand a torque of not less than 50N-m, torsion angle ± 90 °, a total of 10 cycles of twisting. 8、Drop: The fiber optic cable connector box should be able to withstand 3 drops at a height of 2.2m, and after the test, the connector box should not leak, no deformation, no damage. 9、tensile strength: 〉2000N/10cm2 pressure, time 1min. 10、vibration: splice box to withstand vibration frequency of 10Hz, amplitude of ± 3mm, the number of vibration for 106 vibration, the fiber additional loss change value does not exceed 0.2dB. 11、Temperature cycle: -20℃~+65℃, internal air pressure 40(+5)Kpa, 10 times cycle, air pressure drop not more than 5kpa after room temperature. 12、fiber radius of curvature > 30mm, fiber fusion tray additional attenuation ≤ 0.01dB. Commonly used tools for construction cross cutter, tape measure, sawyer, heat blower or spray gun. Parameter table Model: GJS03-M15BX-A14-144C-NABS02 (GP394) Box material: PP Adapt to the diameter of fiber optic cable: oval hole: 10-20mm; small hole: 6-12mm Number of cable entry ports: 2+16 Maximum capacity of fusion fiber tray (core): 24 Maximum number of fusion cores (cores): 144 Fiber optic residual fiber intake device: Yes Sealing method: mechanical + heat shrink seal Fiber into the end type and number: -- Product use environment: overhead, pipeline, buried 点击下载产品手册 相关产品 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图6.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/6 GJS03-M15BX-A14-144C(GP394) Dome Fiber Optic Splice Closure, M 11-14 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图4.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/4 GJS03-M15AX-A14-144C-NABS02(GP394) Dome Fiber Optic Splice Closure, M 11-14 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图4.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/4 GJS03-M15AX-A14-144C(GP394) Dome Fiber Optic Splice Closure, M 11-14 主图1.jpg 主图2.jpg 主图6.jpg 主图1.jpg 1/6 GJS03-M14AX-JX-144C(GP374) Dome Fiber Optic Splice Closure, M 11-14
- GP01-H40
Product Details All Telecommunication Terminal and Server Electric 上一个产品 下一个产品 GP01-H40 The product is suitable for outdoor fiber optic cable overhead, pipeline and other straight-through splicing and divergence and other trunk fiber optic cable and common fiber optic cable network splicing. Double-ended horizontal design structure, the product has high strength mechanical performance, high sealing performance, corrosion resistance, excellent weather resistance, etc., multi-cable port management, can be mechanically repeated to open; reasonable structure layout, construction operation is simple and fast. Application Scenario Outdoor overhead, pipeline and other common fiber optic cable splice splicing, can be used for urban or urban and rural common fiber optic network splicing protection. Structure picture Performance characteristics 1、The shell is produced by injection molding process of high-quality engineering plastics, with anti-UV and anti-aging additives, high mechanical strength; 2、The box adopts double-ended optical cable in and out design structure, convenient overhead hanging rod and other openable structure; 3、the box body box cover using non-vulcanized rubber sealing structure, good airtightness; 4、Box with electrical disconnection or connection function, optional air nozzle; 5、high-capacity splicing, to meet the trunk or special fiber optic cable splicing protection; 6、The box adopts the layout design of 4-in and 4-out optical cable ports to meet the management of up to 6 optical cables access; 7、termite resistance, acid and alkali resistant oil, resistance to extreme cold and high temperature environment need to order separate instructions. Technical parameters or parameters table 1、Adapted to the ambient temperature: -40℃~+65℃. 2、Atmospheric pressure: 70~106Kpa. 3、Axial tension: 〉1000N/1min or more. 4、flattening: the box is filled with 60 ± 5kpa air pressure, should be able to withstand 2000N/100mm lateral uniform pressure, the force time is not less than 1min, after the test joint box does not leak, no deformation, no damage. 5、impact: fiber optic splice box should be able to withstand a drop height of 1m, the mass of the steel ball 1.6Kg, the number of impacts for 3 times the impact. 6、bending: fiber optic splice box and fiber optic cable joints should be able to withstand bending tension load of 150N, bending angle ± 45 ° of 10 cycles of bending. 7、torsion: fiber optic splice box should be able to withstand a torque of not less than 50N-m, torsion angle ± 90 °, a total of 10 cycles of twisting. 8、Drop: The fiber optic cable connector box should be able to withstand 3 drops at a height of 2.2m, and after the test, the connector box should not leak, no deformation, no damage. 9、tensile strength: 〉2000N/10cm2 pressure, time 1min. 10、vibration: splice box to withstand vibration frequency of 10Hz, amplitude of ± 3mm, the number of vibration for 106 vibration, the fiber additional loss change value does not exceed 0.2dB. 11、Temperature cycle: -40℃~+65℃, internal air pressure 60(+5)Kpa, 10 times cycle, air pressure drop not more than 5kpa after room temperature. 12、fiber radius of curvature > 37.5mm, fiber fusion tray additional attenuation ≤ 0.01dB. Commonly used tools for construction cross cutter, tape measure, hexagonal wrench. 上一个产品 下一个产品
- GP01-H54
Product Details All Telecommunication Terminal and Server Electric 上一个产品 下一个产品 GP01-H54 The product is suitable for outdoor fiber optic cable overhead straight splice and divergence splice. Double-ended horizontal screw-free fastening small size design structure, the product has high sealing performance, strong corrosion resistance, excellent weather resistance and other characteristics, multi-cable port management, box body and cable mouth are designed with silicone rubber sealing structure, repeatedly open the box and other operations are simple and fast and do not need to replace the sealing materials; reasonable structure layout, construction and operation is simple and fast. Application Scenario Outdoor overhead, pipeline and other common fiber optic cable joint splicing, can be used for urban or urban and rural common fiber optic network splicing protection. Performance characteristics 1、The shell is produced by injection molding process of high-quality engineering plastics, with anti-UV and anti-aging additives, high mechanical strength; 2、The box body adopts double-ended optical cable in and out design structure, convenient overhead hanging rod and other openable structure, screw-free box sealing design, quick and easy to repeat opening, no need to replace sealing materials; very convenient for maintenance inspection and other operations; 3、the box body box cover and optical cable mouth are silicon rubber sealing structure, good airtightness; 4、Box with electrical disconnection or connection function, optional air nozzle. Technical parameters or parameters table 1、Adapted to the ambient temperature: -40℃~+65℃. 2、Atmospheric pressure: 70~106Kpa. 3、Axial tension: 〉1000N/1min or more. 4、impact: fiber optic splice box should be able to withstand a drop height of 1m, the mass of the steel ball 1.6Kg, the number of impacts for 3 times the impact. 5、Drop: The fiber optic cable splice box should be able to withstand 3 drops at a height of 1m, and the splice box should not be deformed or damaged after the test, and the internal structure should not be dislodged. 6、vibration: the splice box to withstand vibration frequency of 10Hz, amplitude of ± 3mm, the number of vibration for 106 vibration, the fiber additional loss change value does not exceed 0.2dB. 7、voltage strength: 15KV (DC), 1min, no flying arc, no breakdown after the test; 8、Insulation resistance: >2*104 MΩ. 9、fiber radius of curvature > 30mm, fiber fusion tray additional attenuation ≤ 0.01dB; 10、Maximum connection capacity of the box: 48 cores. Commonly used tools for construction cross cutter, tape measure. 上一个产品 下一个产品